Simple Markdown Editor Logo


Simple Markdown Editor

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SME Documentation

Welcome to SME documentation page!
While SME is easy and straightforward, this page will walk you through the usage of its functionalities.

If you need a simple but detailed tutorial on Markdown syntax, visit Blog-Doc's Markdown page .

Nota bene: Thanks to the awesome Responsive Attributes , generously provided by Matthew James Taylor , SME is fully responsive!

The Interface

SME's interface is made of two blocks:

  1. The Markdown Editor
  2. The HTML Preview

Each block has a toolbar with some buttons, and each button holds a functionality.

Nota bene: When the screen width is smaller than 1024 pixels, the interface turns into two tabs which individually display the correspondent section when activated

The Markdown Editor

The Markdown Editor allows to type raw text using Markdown syntax and HTML if needed.

The first two buttons of the toolbar above the editor are:

Button Function Shortcut
Undo - Ctrl+Z Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo - Ctrl+Y Redo Ctrl+Y

Those buttons allow you to undo and redo, like in any editor, as their names suggest!

After undo and redo, the toolbar above the editor offers the following buttons to insert Markdown syntax in the editor:

Button Syntax Shortcut
Headings Headings none
Lists Lists none
Bold - Ctrl+B Bold Ctrl+B
Italic - Ctrl+I Italic Ctrl+I
Underline - Ctrl+U Underline Ctrl+U
Strikethrough - Ctrl+S Strikethrough Ctrl+S
Link - Ctrl+L Link Ctrl+L
Image - Ctrl+Shift+I Image Ctrl+Shift+I
Horizontal Rule - Ctrl+H Horizontal Rule Ctrl+H
Blockquote - Ctrl+Q Blockquote Ctrl+Q
Table - Ctrl+Shift+T Table Ctrl+Shift+T
Inline code - Ctrl+D Inline code Ctrl+D
Block of code - Ctrl+K Block of code Ctrl+K

The headings and lists are drop-downs from which you can select the desired syntax to insert.

It's possible to select a text then click on the button of the desired syntax or use the keyboard shortcut for the desired syntax.

After inserting a table, it's possible to update the table by selecting it with the horizontal rule at its bottom then click on the table button or use the table keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T .

The last button in the editor's toolbar is to clear the editor's content.

Button Function Shortcut
Clear Editor - Ctrl+Shift+X Clear Editor Ctrl+Shift+X

The HTML Preview

The HTML Preview displays the output of the Markdown syntax from the editor as you type.

The toolbar above the HTML preview contains the following buttons:

  1. A Preview drop-down with 2 buttons:
    1. Preview raw HTML
    2. Preview parsed Markdow
  2. A Copy drop-down with 2 buttons:
    1. Copy raw HTML from the Preview
    2. Copy Markdown syntax from the Editor
  3. A Download drop-down with 2 buttons:
    1. Download the parsed HTML from the Preview
    2. Download the Markdown syntax from the Editor
  4. A help button leading to this page